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Video Verification of Google Business Profile

How to Be Found Online Subheading: Learn to ace the art of video verification to appear

5 min read


  • Video verification plays an essential role in improving the visibility of your Google Business Profile.
  • Follow the best practices to complete video verification without any potential hiccups.
  • Optimize your video content for SEO and move more prospects into your customer pipeline.

Source: Freepik_landing-page-concept-website_23-2147777588


Meanwhile, Google Business Profile has become the most essential tool for any local business to build its online presence and attract customers. Video verification can be one of the most basic modes of verification that one may have to apply for your GBP. This involves sending a video about your business to Google to verify that it exists and where it is located. Even though it might sound pretty easy to do, following a number of best practices will go a long way in increasing your chances of successful verification while improving online visibility.

The Power of Video Verification

Video verification is a potent means to support Google in verifying the legitimacy of your business and preventing fraudulent listings from getting into search results. This helps in giving a virtual view of your business by adding credibility and trust to it. Also, with video verification, your GBP will be able to rank higher in local search results and therefore will turn out to be discoverable for potential customers.

Best Practices for Video Verification

  • Plan Ahead: Pre-determine the content before recording. Think about several important aspects of your business that you’d like to show to the viewer, such as the location, products, services, among other things that might be of much elaboration and information.
  • Record in High Quality: A high-quality video shot by a quality camera or smartphone is required. Ensure that the footage isn’t shaky; place it on a tripod or stabilizer. Pay equal attention to the quality of the audio so that when the video is viewed, viewers can understand it better.
  • Showcase Your Business: Take photos of the exterior and interior of your business. Showcase any unique features of your business, like storefront signage, product displays, or customer interactions. This will aid Google in verifying your location, while it will also help customers know what to expect from you.
  • Context: Give some context to your business; you can mention the products, services, or even special offers you are running. Allow the viewers to get an idea of what your business is about and what they should expect of it.
  • Keep it Short: Make sure the video is at least 1-2 minutes long. Sometimes shorter videos are more likely to stick with viewers than longer ones.
  • SEO Optimization: Ensure that keywords are added to the title, description, and tags of your video. This will show your video in related searches for terms about your business.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Poor Quality of Video: Do not use low-resolution or blurred footage, as it will have a bad impact on the appeal of your video.
  • ]Lack of Relevance: Make sure that all the content in your video directly relates to your business; try to avoid scenes that are unrelated or irrelevant to the subject.
  • Too Long: A long video will surely bore your viewers. Always keep your video short and straightforward to the point.
  • Poor Audio: Bad audio renders your video inaudible. Make good use of a microphone or ensure your device’s inbuilt microphone is in a quiet environment.

Additional Tips

  • Use Professional Videographer: In case you are not confident in your skills of video production, get a professional to assist in recording a quality video.
  • Social Media Promotion: Share your video in your social media outlets and ask customers to review your business. This could help in enhancing the visibility and reach.
  • Analyze Analytics: Use Google Analytics to track the performance of your video-demanding rate and the source of viewers. It will help in refining your video strategy.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile Video for SEO

So, once one makes a fabulous video for GBP verification, optimization has to be carried out for SEO so that full visibility and better reach can be attained. Following are some key strategies to consider:

Keyword Research and Incorporation

  • Identify Relevant Keywords: Conduct thorough keyword research to determine the terms and phrases that customers are most likely to use to search for businesses like yours.
  • Insert the target keywords naturally into the title, description, and tags of the video. Do not spam; that would be negative for your video SEO.
  • Long-tail keywords can be utilized to your advantage since they have fewer competitors. Long-tail keywords may also help you in gaining better video search rankings because these are more long-tail.

Video Title Optimization

  • Keep it Relevant: The title of your video needs to be relevant to what the video actually is, and also include your target keywords.
  • Be Descriptive: Use some descriptive language that will help give your viewers a sense of what they are going to watch.
  • Keep it Concise: Avoid going over the character limit of 60.

Video Description Optimization

  • Provide Detailed Information: With your video description, you need to provide more information about your business and what your video is going to be about.
  • Include Target Keywords: Try to work in your targeted keywords where you can within the description.
  • Include a Call to Action: Drive traffic to your website, direct them to call your business, or take other desired appropriate actions.

Video Tags

  • Utilize Relevant Tags: Tag your video with things that will allow search engines to know what it is and how to categorize and index it.
  • Be Specific: Tag regarding your specific business, products, or services.
  • Use Both General and Specific Tags: Using a mix of general and specific tags helps your video reach a wider audience.


  • Provide a Transcription: Create a text document of the audio content of your video.
  • Ensure Search Engine Optimization: Add the target keywords within the transcription and publish it on your website.
  • Increase Accessibility: A transcription of your video makes it more accessible to people who have some kind of hearing impairment.

Video Publishing and Promotion

  • Share on Social Media: Share your video on your social media channels to extend its visibility and reach.
  • Embed on Your Website: Embed your video onto your website to let the visitor view it seamlessly from your website.
  • Encourage to Share: Most importantly, ask viewers to share your video with their friends and family.

Track and Analyze Performance

  • Track the number of views and engagement that the video receives using analytics: for instance, likes, shares, and comments.
  • Find Some Space for Improvements: Scrutinize data on video performance and find the loopholes where improvements can be made.
  • Iterate and Improve: With your analysis, either edit the same video creation or make some new creations to perform better.
  • With these SEO optimization strategies, you will increase the visibility of your video to potential customers, while increasing your overall Google Business Profile value.


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