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Google Dispels Outbound Links as Boosting SEO

SEO Myth Exploded: Google's John Mueller Says Outbound Links Don't Work

5 min read


  • SEO Canon: You should link out to other sites in order for it to be good for SEO.
  • Google: That is not right. Outbound links aren’t a direct ranking factor.
  • Quality content: More than anything else, creating quality content is the point of real SEO.

Source: Freepik- Free Vector _ Seo concept illustration

SEO has changed a lot over the years, and one of the beliefs that have beenIVE will be discussed below, just stated by Google’s John Mueller. For many years, there was this important perception that linking out to other websites was one of the most useful SEO methodologies. Mueller showed, on the contrary, that outbound links are not a ranking factor.

This belief can be laid at the feet of early search engine optimization days. In an attempt to thwart spammy linking practices, SEOs began the practice of outbound linking from their content. That leads to the logic that you link out to other reputable websites in order to look more credible and trustworthy yourself. Linking out was also considered a conduit for spreading the importance of one’s website because of the metric known as PageRank. Now, that metric is determined by Google.

But with more advanced algorithms, like those of Google, outbound links have become less important. Mueller also clarifies that these outbound links are not the direct ranking signal but help in improving a user experience or building relations with another website in an indirect manner.

Rather, Google is more focused now on rewarding high-quality content that adds value to the users. It hosts informative, engaging, and relevant content, and remains the best way to give a boost to search rank for a website. By rather focusing on creating great content, SEOs would naturally have links inbound with the great possibility of affecting their rankings.

While outbound links are not, by definition, considered a direct ranking factor, they do influence SEO. Outbound linking to authoritative and relevant websites informs search engines about the credibility and expertise of a website. Equally, outbound links can be used to enhance user experience as it points them to additional resources or information.

The Impact of Google’s Announcement Regarding Outbound Links

It seemed like Google announcing that outbound links are no longer an exact ranking factor seemed to stir quite a while in the search engine optimization community. While a lot of SEOs have sworn by outbound links being one of the core parts of their strategies, these new guidelines call those very strategies into question.

One of the biggest takeaways from here could be a change in the SEO strategy. SEOs who invested heavily in creating a huge link profile might rethink their strategies and redistribute resources to other areas: high-quality content creation, user experience optimization, and content relationships with others.

In addition, the announcement would probably reduce the value of paid link services. It will provide less incentive to sites to buy backlinks once outbound links cease to be an explicit ranking factor; this would shave off money from businesses that offer services to sell backlinks.

But let me add that outbound links can help a website indirectly, too. The links to relevant sources and other authorities prove the expertise of the website within their niche. Moreover, links will make navigation easier and offer users extra information and resources.

In tuning into these new rules, SEOs will have to go back to the foundations of SEO: building useful content, optimizing for search engines, and natural and organic link building from other web sources. Their adherence to these tenets will enable SEOs to continue in their work on improving website visibility and appeal through organic traffic.

Beyond just impacting SEO directly, the general implications of this announcement spread across the broader digital marketing stage: As search engines get more sophisticated, it is increasingly more vital for marketers to focus on giving value to users in their content. This means creating content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to the target audience.

This goes to reiterate the need of keeping abreast of the latest SEO trends in practice. Google algorithms are ever-evolving; SEOs need to be prepared to make changes in their strategy accordingly.

In other words, this announcement from Google about outbound links means something much greater for the SEO community. While outbound links might not directly be a ranking factor anymore, they can indirectly be of benefit in search for a website. Instead, one should focus on high-quality content, optimization for user experience, and building natural relationships with other websites. Abiding by these three principles will continue to keep SEOs improving the visibility of their website and attracting organic traffic.

What is the Future of Outbound Links in SEO?

Although the recent announcement from Google brought a vital change in the arena of SEO, it needs to be remembered that outbound links are yet to be considered dead. They have the potential to act constructively regarding the all-around performance improvement of a website.

A point in favor of outbound links might be the fact that these establish credibility and authority. Outbound links to well-established sources will be a good means of the website showing expertise and knowledge concerning the subject. This may bring better trust by users in the website and improved standing.

Additionally, the use of outbound links may help give life to the user experience. With adequate information and further resources, a website may let the visitor stay a little longer and probably check out a couple more things.

This can be associated with increased conversions and better rankings in search engines.

However, there is a need to strategize about the use of outbound links since linking to the wrong or low-quality sites actually damages a website’s reputation. Such links should be filtered so that they are relevant to the discussed topic on the site.

Also, SEOs are not to over-link. The move might be spammy according to the search engines and affect the positioning of your website within its ranks. In other terms, there has to be some kind of balancing between linking out and promoting one’s content.


 Outbound links might not be as important today as they were in the past, but they still can play a significant role for SEOs. Done strategically and with an emphasis on quality over quantity, outbound links can help SEOs increase their website’s authority and credibility, along with the user experience.


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