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Meta Revamps Ad Targeting Options: Prioritizing Brand Safety and User Privacy

Changes Remove Sensitive Demographics and Behaviors, Emphasize First-Party Data

2 min read


  • Facebook removes detailed ad targeting options related to sensitive demographics like race, ethnicity, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and health status.
  • The move aims to address concerns about discrimination and unfair targeting practices.
  • Businesses are encouraged to adopt first-party data strategies and focus on broader targeting approaches.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is making significant changes to its ad targeting options in an effort to prioritize brand safety and user privacy. This move, announced in January 2024, involves removing a range of detailed targeting options related to sensitive demographics and behaviors.

Previously, advertisers could target audiences based on factors like race, ethnicity, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and health status. However, these options have raised concerns about potential discrimination and unfair targeting practices. With these concerns in mind, Meta is removing these options from its advertising platform.

This decision signifies a major shift in Facebook’s advertising approach. It reflects the growing focus on data privacy and responsible advertising practices. Meta emphasizes that these changes are essential for building trust with users and fostering a safer online environment.

While the removal of detailed targeting options might present challenges for some businesses, Meta offers alternative solutions. They encourage advertisers to utilize first-party data, which they collect directly from their customers, to create more relevant and personalized ad campaigns. Additionally, broader targeting based on interests and behaviors can still be effective in reaching relevant audiences.

The impact of these changes remains to be seen. While some businesses may experience initial difficulties adjusting their targeting strategies, the emphasis on brand safety and user privacy is likely to be met positively by many users and advocacy groups. It’s likely that other social media platforms will follow suit with similar changes, reflecting a broader trend towards responsible advertising practices in the digital landscape.


Meta has removed detailed targeting options related to sensitive demographics and behaviors from its ad platform. This move prioritizes brand safety and user privacy, encouraging businesses to adopt first-party data strategies and broader targeting approaches.


Picture Credit: AdobeStock_388280247

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