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Reddit Spammers are Fooling Google Into Ranking Garbage in Search Results

SEO Marketer out the 6 Tactics these Reddit Spammers Use to Get Away With it.

5 min read


  • Reddit has never been a very friendly place for good content
  • But Reddit spam leads to other problems that can be inadvertently dangerous.
  • These experts are now coming out to speak on how the spam on the site could be impacting actual sites and businesses.

Source: freepik_confused-cute-woman-shrugging-with-spread-hands_176420

More recently, the search community has become restless over the way spammers are using Reddit to manipulate Google’s search results. A marketer in search, Lars Lofgren, unveiled six tactics that most of these cheaters rely upon to game the system, due to annoyance over the ever-increasing spam on Reddit.

As a Redditor, Lofgren was taken aback by just how widespread the spamming practices reach and currently, how Google results could also be affected by such actions. He further stated why he exposed the tactics practiced: “I believe in producing great content and helping Google users find what they are looking for. Unfortunately, the rise of spam on Reddit is making it increasingly difficult to achieve this goal.”

They do it by becoming moderators of subreddits so that they can pin comments on any post and get maximum visibility; this could be utilized to promote affiliate links or other spammy content.

The other one is to find posts that are being ranked by Google and pin comments that have affiliate links to them. This way, spammers can ride on the popularity of such posts and siphon all of that traffic back to their websites.

They can target trusted subreddits and make a new topic, of which only the questions are answered by spammy links through sock puppets—this helping them avoid moderation while getting their content in front of more eyes.

They also utilize “engagement bait” on the site. By doing this, they craft emotionally laden conversations that could feed further comments by other Redditors-ergo, more visibility, ergo, more spammability.

Another tactic would be creating their own subreddits. With seeding those subreddits with sock-puppet conversations, they fool the Reddit recommendation engine into attracting organic traffic.

Also, these spammers use aged accounts in order to build up some sort of credibility and not get noticed so easily. These accounts can be years old, with years of various activities that look really legit.

The spam is evidently having a deep effect on the genuine website and businesses. With Google giving high importance to the content of Reddit in its results, these spammy websites receive prominence and might cause ranking problems for genuine businesses.

SEO professionals cry out in exasperation about such issues. They claim that Reddit should strengthen the rules and introduce some features that could easily catch spam and filter them out. Similarly, Google is finding ways to segregate the wheat from the chaff, in the respective contents.

As the war on Reddit spam rages on, proactive approaches by both Reddit and Google are needed to protect the integrity of each company’s platforms in order to ensure the best possible user experience.

The Ever-Changing Landscape of Spam within Reddit: A Deep Dive

Repetition has remained a petty issue not only for the users but also for the website as well: Reddit. Since a bigger picture was well covered regarding the general scenario of spamming strategies, an in-depth understanding of the general context and meaning of the situation was necessary. This paper delves deeper into the changing nature of Reddit spam, its impact on the workings of the site, motivations that drive spammers, and potential solutions.

The Impact on Reddit’s User Experience

The spam influx is doing a disservice to users: useful conversations and valuable content generally get overrun by spammy posts, and it’s easy enough for a user to just give up on a search. This will create feelings of frustration and foster away users who are searching for a more genuine, spam-free community.

Further, spam’s existence can rob Reddit of its credibility and trust factor. So, the users would start growing suspicious about everything they have an encounter with, and the reputation of the site in general would go low.

Why Spammers Post – Comes to Reddit

Understanding the motivations of spammers is vital to come up with effective countermeasures. Even though profit is most often the driving factor, other factors contribute. Some spammers may do it out of the need to disperse misinformation or to manipulate the public’s views. Others could just be in it for the thrills or to feel a rush of power.

Moreover, the general ease of spam dissemination on Reddit also helps promote the act. Owing to its open, anonymous nature, and also relatively laid back policies regarding moderation, Reddit is an appealing source for spam promoters.

The Role of Moderators and Reddit’s Policies

Moderators are the front line against spam on Reddit. They are responsible for removing spammy content, banning offending users, and enforcing community guidelines. Effectiveness in this role, however, can vary widely based on the individual dedication and resources of the moderator.

Reddit’s use of policies and guidelines have a significant role to play in addressing the problem of spam. They can go a long way in setting boundaries that will warn off spammers and give facilitators the power to act.

Such spam can be battled at Reddit using technological advancements. With the help of AI-based mechanisms, identification and removal of spammy content could be speeded up. Techniques based on natural language processing could help identify patterns or anomalies in user behavior indicative of spamming activities.

Other than that, technology via blockchain also can be countermeasures. Through establishing a decentralised and transparent system, blockchain may assist in lowering the level of anonymity which spammers and trace their operation activities with breeze.

Collaboration and Community Engagement

  • Spam: Reddit needs more involvement of the moderators and the community in dealing with all levels of spam.
  • Reddit can tie up with third-party organizations for developing new and improved anti-spam and raising its moderation. Training and support can help the moderators be more efficient in fighting off spam.
  • The Reddit community itself can also play an important role. Users need to report spammy content, participate in spam preventing chat rooms, and help make Reddit a more positive and warmer place.


There is a war against spam on Reddit. It might be the very quality that keeps community members at the forefront of changes in the tactics of spammers, so group adaptation of the platform’s technology leads to further importance. Understanding the motivations behind such spamming, acting technologically through solutions, collaboration, group-adapting the platform’s technology, and thus making Reddit spam free greatly enhances the value of the community experience.

In conclusion, the proliferation of spam on Reddit poses challenges for the network and its users. The methodology has been laid out after unveiling the tactics that the spammers use. This would be done through cooperative effort by the Reddit and individual moderators in such a manner that, in the long run, everyone might remain spam-free and stay in a better and friendly environment.


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