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The WordPress Executive Director Resigns Amidst Turmoil in the Organization

A New Chapter for Open Source Community

5 min read


  • Josepha Haden Chomphosy quits the organization after a period of nine years in the company.
  • Her resignation occurs at a moment when Matt Mullenweg, one of the key players in WordPress, publicly confronts WP Engine.
  • The Future of WordPress appears uncertain even as the company faces internal and external repositioning.

Source: wordpress-executive-director-resigns-amid-turmoil

The WordPress community was thrown into a tizzy on October 5, 2024, when Josepha Haden Chomphosy, Executive Director of the WordPress Project, announced she would be resigning. Chomphosy’s resignation occurs at an extremely fractious moment for WordPress, whose co-founder Matt Mullenweg has had a very public sparring match with WP Engine, a web host for managed WordPress.

Chomphosy’s resignation is the latest in a series of strong turns that have been rocking the WordPress community for months. In September, Mullenweg launched a very provocative campaign against WP Engine, accusing them of squandering the WordPress ecosystem. WP Engine responded with a move back by filing a federal lawsuit against Mullenweg and Automattic, WordPress’s parent company.

The controversy has created a storm within the WordPress community because some people rally around Mullenweg while others support WP Engine. Ironically, it negatively impacted the morale and reputation of the project.

Chomphosy Leaving

Chomphosy declared she would step down from the project following all this turbulence. She posted an emotionally charged thanks to the project on her blog, stating a devotion to the open-source community, though at the same time showing that it had come to a point where the project needed new ideas and vision in its leadership to be relit again.

“This week marks my last as the Executive Director of the WordPress project,” Chomphosy wrote. “My time with WordPress has changed me in so many ways, professionally and personally: as a leader, an advocate. But there is still much to accomplish in this shared mission to ensure that the open source project we all enjoy is sustainable in perpetuity, so my confidence in our community of contributors around the world hasn’t wavered.”

This is a great loss for the WordPress community. Chomphosy has played a very important role in the development of this project and has been instrumental in encouraging its growth and adoption. The departure of the key figure leaves a great leadership void that could hardly be filled.

The Future of WordPress

The future of WordPress is now under a cloud. An ongoing dispute between Mullenweg and WP Engine puts the project against several challenges, that the project has to fix up problems related to its sustainability, and the best competition from other content management systems.

The responsibility of the organisation behind the non-profit, managing the project-the WordPress Foundation, will be to immediately select a new Executive Director and then assess what is going on within the community. It must then figure out how it’s going to get rid of the tension between Mullenweg and WP Engine and regain trust within the project.

Impact on the Open Source Community

From this perspective, the internal conflict in the WordPress domain has far-reaching implications for the open-source community as a whole.

As the best and most influential open-source project to date, WordPress’s success distributed positive discourse and opened channels for legitimacy of open source software everywhere in the market.

If it fails to resolve its issues over WordPress, it will eventually reduce the value that people attribute to open-source software compared with proprietary ones.

On social media, the users and contributors of WordPress have been channeled their sentiments and feelings regarding Chomphosy’s resignation. Many of them gave glowing praises for the leadership and dedication shown to the project and for her contributions.

“We will miss Josepha greatly. She has been an incredible leader for the WordPress community,” said a user. “Her passion and vision have inspired us all.”

There were also fears about the long-term future of WordPress if Chomphosy were to leave. Some users felt that, without her at the helm, the project might lose direction and steam.

“I’m worried about what will happen to WordPress,” said one user. “Josepha was the biggest advocate for the project. Hopefully we can find someone who can fill her shoes.”

The WordPress Foundation Sees the Solution

Just days after Chomphosy’s resignation, the WordPress Foundation, a non-profit organization in control of the project, said that it intended to pick a new Executive Director. According to the Foundation, a thorough search would be conducted to find an appropriate candidate who would lead the project through this difficult time.

A temporary leadership team is being charged with the day-to-day operations of the project. They are board members of the Foundation as well as senior staff from Automattic, a hosting and support company for WordPress.

The Future of WordPress

WordPress is now at a crossroads. The public spat between Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine doesn’t seem to be dying anytime soon. The question of whether the project is sustainable stays in everyone’s mind. Also, there are growing competitors, competing for shares in the market of a better Content Management System.

How soon WordPress Foundation will identify a new Executive Director or act to counter the challenges will represent a fantastic challenge they have to meet. There will also be the restoration of trusts between the individuals and the two groups within the project, Mullen and WP Engine.

Community Role

Another thing would be the views of the WordPress community. To what extent it supports the project, promotes its development, and takes more interest in using the said application because the community can also help in creating a positive and inclusive environment for all participants.

The Significance of Open Source

This commotion within the WordPress community reminds us of the value of open-source software. Open-source projects like WordPress are developed and maintained by a community of volunteers. They are, more often than not, more resilient and adaptable to change compared with proprietary software.

By supporting open-source projects, we can help ensure the internet remains free and open for everyone.


The full implications of Josepha Haden Chomphosy’s resignation from her position at WordPress are multifaceted, and it is uncertain how the project will find a way to surmount the challenges, which are far too numerous to be listed. What is clear, however, is that the era of uncertainty for WordPress has begun, and the eventual outcome of this level of turmoil will have deep repercussions for the open-source movement.

Success and further prosperity in the WordPress community would depend on finding ways to sustain the project. Working together as a team is an effective way of contributing to making WordPress stronger and more robust.


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