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WP Engine Sues WordPress Co-Founder and Automattic for Attempted Extortion

WordPress Ecosystem Shaken by Lawsuit

6 min read


  • WP Engine accuses Matt Mullenweg of demanding a large royalty fee, threatening harm if not paid.
  • The lawsuit includes a dispute over WP Engine’s use of the WordPress trademark.
  • WP Engine claims Mullenweg controls the WordPress Foundation for personal benefit.

Source: Freepik_Free Photo _ Still life with the scales of justice

The most widely used content management system in the world, WordPress, is now under suit, following a lawsuit filed by WP Engine against its co-founder, Matt Mullenweg, and his company, Automattic. Given the theory presented by the plaintiffs which include attempted extortion, trademark infringement, and unfair competition, the case was filed in federal court.

At the heart of this controversy is a threat by Mullenweg to demand an 8% royalty fee on WP Engine’s earnings. The suit alleges that, in that threat, Mullenweg said he would stop speaking publicly about how awful WP Engine was-and, possibly, sever WP Engine from, being the official website of the WordPress project.

WP Engine, one of the largest and most popular managed WordPress hosting providers, refuses to pay the royalty fee. Mullenweg is accused to have gone nuclear at WP Engine by launching a campaign against WP Engine, calling publicly and otherwise for its practices.

Another part of the dispute involves trademark usage. As part of the lawsuit, Mullenweg asserts that WP Engine committed trademark infringement since they used the WordPress name in their branding and advertisements. WP Engine, on the other hand, states that it is using the trademark quite appropriately and that Mullenweg is merely extorting them for money.

In addition to extortion and trademark claims, WP Engine alleges that Mullenweg is using the WordPress Foundation-for a nonprofit that supports development and encourages its use-a commercial endeavour to reap personal benefit. Under the complaint, Mullenweg controls the Foundation and maintains it as one of his commercial endeavors to the expense of WP Engine and other competitors.

The lawsuit sent shockwaves through the WordPress community. Many are afraid that the dispute will stunt the future of WordPress and its ecosystem.

Mullenweg and Automattic have not commented on the lawsuit so far. WP Engine referred in a statement to Search Engine Journal, however, to their commitment “to protecting the integrity of the WordPress ecosystem” and vowed to “vigorously defend” themselves against Mullenweg’s claims.

Thus, the lawsuit to come can easily become a long and complicated judicial trial. The decision of this case could possibly have a bearing on the future of WordPress and the open-source software community in general.

Apart from the litigation, WP Engine also filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission or FTC against Mullenweg. In the complaint lodged before the FTC, it is alleged that Mullenweg’s actions are unfair and deceptive, and further violative of the FTC Act. So far, the agency did not issue any statement to indicate whether they will investigate the complaint or not. If the agency does take necessary steps and actions, however, this may put additional pressure on Mullenweg and Automattic to settle the matter at issue.

The WP Engine-Mullenweg lawsuit is among many recent litigations that have emerged in the WordPress community. Over the past couple of years, there have been many legal battles over other companies associated with WordPress like Automattic and Jetpack.

These are the legal battles that seem to raise questions about the future of WordPress. Some fear that this development in commercializing the platform might depreciate its quality, bringing in less innovation.

Others say that the legality battles signal a bright future for the platforms. They claim that with so many companies competing to give these WordPress products and services, it should instead be a good thing for the users.

It would be interesting to see how this lawsuit between WP Engine and Mullenweg unravels. But as the said battle unfolds, it would indeed show that the current lawyerly shenanigans have the potential to change the face of WordPress as used in the future.

The Aftermath of the WP Engine Lawsuit: What It Could Mean

The shockwaves emanating from WP Engine’s suit against WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg and Automattic will have been felt deep within the WordPress community, and potential ripples may reverberate for a while longer in ways that might impact WordPress and other open-source software more broadly.

Probably the most immediate consequence of the case is the ambiguity surrounding it for WP Engine’s customers. Many of them are now worried about the future of their websites, hoping that they will still be able to continue enjoying the services offered by WP Engine. WP Engine has assured customers that they are committed to providing uninterrupted service but at the same time, the news has made it such that a few customers actually consider changing hosting service providers.

Perhaps an even more important question that arose in the wake of the lawsuit is what will happen to The WordPress project has an official website called; it serves as a resource critical to the community of WordPress. Here users can download the software, check documentation, and find support. If the lawsuit is successful, WP Engine could seize control of This may have great implications in the future of the platform. The way it’ll go can be huge, given that WP Engine would operate WP differently than WordPress Foundation –’s overseer-which is now a non-profit.

The second impact would be the erosion of quality for WordPress. Since WP Engine might fully acquire, their main focus could be away from having the best and most polished experience of WordPress towards perhaps just making money. This would lead to the erosion in general of the quality of WordPress. WP Engine would probably not actively contribute much towards building new exciting features for WordPress.

The lawsuit will have a negative impact on the open-source community at large. WordPress is, after all, one of the most successful open-source projects ever created. Countless other projects have been spawned by this software, creating a multibillion dollar ecosystem for developers and designers in entrepreneurs. Damaging this may be if the lawsuit is successful.

Besides the potential impact for WP Engine, WordPress, and the open-source software community, the lawsuit can also be held close to the heart of Matt Mullenweg. Mullenweg is one of the most illustrious personalities in the open-source software community. If he were convicted of extortion or other wrongs, it would dent his reputation and, by extension, his career.

The outcome of the case is not known. WP Engine may end up winning the case and taking control of They could, however, lose the case.

Regardless of the result of the case, it is observable that the controversy has greatly affected the WordPress community. There are very many anxious and concerned people regarding the development because of the uncertainty that has resulted from the case. Long-term effects of the lawsuit will only be known over time.

However, WordPress users can stick to the regular usage of the platform due to the fact that WordPress Foundation is on the way to ensure its stability and further development.

Another challenge to WordPress is the lawsuit. Other than the lawsuit, WordPress is undergoing various challenges on its system. This being so, WordPress always has new ways in rising and facing the newly established challenges that arise within its system. Therefore, the WordPress community is ever resilient and will probably keep thriving for years ahead.

The case between WP Engine and Mullenweg is certainly complicated. It is difficult to predict how the case will unfold. Still, what is evident is that the case has left its mark upon the WordPress community. The conceivable aftermath of the case may be far-reaching, changing the face of things in the future development of WordPress and more so on open-source software.

The outcome during the litigation process will be followed and updated constantly. On the side of the users in WordPress, they must prepare to respond due to some changes resulting from the lawsuit.

The WP Engine-Mullen WordPress case is yet another reason to remind the open-source software community of the significance of open communication. Togetherness has always been the backbone that will help ensure open-source projects like WordPress continue to be successful.


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